113B Calendar

Week 1

Tuesday, Jan 26 Introduction to Syllabus. Setting up individual WordPress site. Posting Bio. WordPress: https://wordpress.com/ Web Design–1. create pages, create posts–connect pages with posts and other pages.2. Embed video/images, embed scribd doc. 3. Order menu, create sub-menu (parent-child), customize header, color, fonts, themes. 4. Add widgets–blogroll, Twitter, recent posts/comments. 5. Post bio. Group formation for web project

Homework: Blog Post: Chapter 20 “Creating Reader-Centered Websites” Part 1 and 2 (on Moodle) from Paul V. Anderson’s Technical Communication


Thursday, Jan 28 In-class: 1. Unpacking Anderson’s chapter. 2. Brainstorming topic/theme for group project. 3. Further work with your site.

Homework: 1. Individual Blog post on “Manifestation of Culture in Website Design” (article on Moodle) 2. Each one of you, look for resources on your topic/theme for your individual project—scholarly articles, magazine/online articles, videos, audios, animations, images, interviews, cartoons etc.

Week 2

Tuesday, Feb 2

In-class: Discussion of “Manifestation of Culture in Website Design.”

Homework: Blog post on “Key Website Factors” (article on Moodle)

Thursday, Feb 4

Proposal Writing guidelines for individual essays. Discuss “Key Website Factors”

Homework: Write proposal for your individual essay (proposal format in Moodle). Work on group website. Locate and evaluate resources for individual essays—articles, books, news articles, videos etc.

Week 3

Tuesday, Feb 9 Discussion on individual essay proposals. Workshop on thesis. Workshop on group site.

Homework: Individual Blog post on “Testing Drafts for Usability and Persuasiveness.”(Chapter on Moodle)

Thursday, Feb 11

Workshop on group web site. Discussion Usability testing.

Homework: Finish essay draft, finalize group web design. Send individual essay drafts and group website links to me. Don’t forget to share site with me by adding my email address to sharing permission box.

Week 4

Tuesday, Feb 16. No class—usability testing—consent form, testing report

Thursday, Feb 18

Project Presentation

Homework: Polish Individual Essay

Week 5

Tuesday, Feb 23 Project Presentation

Homework: Finalize your individual essay—it’s due on  Thursday. Read and blog on—“Sporting Safe in the Liminal Sphere: “Tactics” and Facebook” (PDF in Moodle)

Thursday, Feb 25. Individual Essay Due. Project Space Begins. Project Space Assignment. Form Project Space Groups. Discuss “Sporting Safe in the Liminal Sphere: “”Tactics” and Facebook.”

Homework: Read and blog about “Libraries as Spaces Between Us: Recognizing and Valuing the Third Space” (PDF on Moodle) As a group research/visit your physical and digital spaces. Take notes of what you observe.

Week 6

Tuesday, March 1 Screening of a short video on Third Space: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpk_dssZXqs Discussion of reading—“Libraries as Spaces Between Us: Recognizing and Valuing the Third Space” Group Discussion around your spaces—Are your spaces public, private, or third spaces?

Homework:  As a group, look for resources for your group project. Discuss the presentation method. Bring your resources to the class.

Thursday, March 3

Workshop on video composing

Homework: Gather more resources. Put together the video.

Week 7

Tuesday, March 8

Workshop video composing.

Thursday, March 10

Teacher feedback on Video

Homework: Finish composing video. Plan out presentation. Remember that you need to evenly divide the responsibility of presentation.

Week 8

Tuesday, March 15

Video Presentation

Homework: Please draft your individual essay.

Thursday, March 17.

Synthesis heuristic; narrowing a research focus; thesis building exercise

Homework: Send me and cc your SI your completed individual essay by Wednesday, 23rd.I will send you some feedback during Spring Break. Please revise your essay based on my feedback and get ready to submit the revised version on Friday, April 1st.

Week 9

March 21-27. Spring Recess

Homework: Read and blog on “Global Financial Problem” (pp. 148-163) from Global Issues (PDF on Moodle)

Week 10

Tuesday, March 29.  Project Text Begins. Screening of Episode 1 of Money, Power and Wall Street documentary. We will put Money, Power and Wall Street and “Global Financial Problem” in conversation: what are the major issues raised in these texts? Are the issues different? If yes, why so? Is it because of time or media? Is the medium of delivery making any difference on impact, or effectiveness of the texts in audience?

Introduce Annotated Bibliography Assignment

Homework: Read and annotate “Environmental Issues” (pp. 223-250) from Global Issues. . Look for instances of claims being made and supported—analytical claims, argumentative claims, explanatory claims. Go online and research some of the other issues associated with “global crises.” Keep a running list of them. We will come back to them in the next class.

Thursday, March 31–No Class–Cesar Chavez Day

Week 11–No Classes–Professor Away to Conference in Houston. Please follow what
your SI tells you to do. I will be back to class regularly from next
Tuesday, April 12.

Work for Week 11–Complete annotated bibliography for 4 scholarly sources

Project Space Individual Essay Due on April 9th

Week 12

Tuesday, April 12

Annotated bibliography for 4 scholarly sources due.

Discussion of reading (“Environmental Issues”)

Screening of part of PBS Documentary Global Warming: The Signs and the Science–https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVQnPytgwQ0

Synthesis Exercise–how are the two texts connected? How are they different? How do they relate with the issues/crises you identified during your research on “global crises.”


Homework  Everyone please further explore your essay topic or research question/s. Remember your essay topic or research question/s should or could be on any global crisis of your choice. Be ready to share your tentative topic/research questions to the class on Wednesday.

April 14, Thursday

Virtual Tour of Oviatt Library

Practice locating relevant scholarly, popular and multimedia sources

Homework: Read and blog on Chapter 1 from Jack Selzer and Lester Faigley’s book Good Reasons “Making an Effective Argument” (pp. 2-12), (Pdf on Moodle)

Week 13

Tuesday, April 19

We will unpack “Making an Effective Argument.” What constitutes an effective argument? Role of analysis and sourcing in effective argument. We will look at criteria for evaluating print and online sources. You will evaluate in the class the print sources you brought to the class. You will also use criteria for evaluating online sources for locating popular sources for your essay/topic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxd9iwQ_pt4


1. Read and blog on “Global Terrorism” (pp. 99-125) from Global Issues (PDF on Moodle).  2. Start looking also for primary research data sources (potential interviewees, research sites, survey groups or any other sources to gather first hand data) Also locate at least 2 images related to your research topic.



Thursday, April 21. A brief 1 min. reporting on your progress. We will discuss the components of research proposal (I will have handouts for you). We will also look at some sample proposals. We will also do narrowing the focus exercise. Research proposal Assignment Distribution


Complete data collection (interview or field visit or site observation or location of scholarly or popular sources). Please write a 250-word research essay proposal.

Week 14

Tuesday, April 26 We will share our research proposals in the class: claim/ thesis, sources, research methods etc. Evaluation Criteria Distributed and Explained

Sign-up with me for one-on-one Conference

Homework: Prepare the first draft (4+pages) of the essay. Print and bring the draft for peer review the next class.

Thursday, April 28

Peer review (Peer Review sheet distributed) Thesis Building Heuristic Complete the draft and email me an attachment

Week 15

Tuesday, May 3 Conference with Santosh at his office ST 834 (No Class)

Homework: Work on your portfolio

Thursday, May 5 Conference with Santosh at his office ST 834 ( No Class)

Homework: Work on your portfolio

Week 16

Tuesday, 10

Digital Portfolio Demonstration–presentation on class on your portfolio/Course Evaluation.

Tips for Portfolio presentation–

You can include your bio, CV, blog posts for this course, group projects, and in a separate tab–a final portfolio that specifically includes–Project Web essay, project space essay, project text essay (you are currently working on), and a reflection paper (1-2 pages) for the whole semester. You can revise any of these projects, if you like. Good luck!

Homework: Finalize Everything—due on Wed.

Thursday, May 12—Last Day (No Class)–Project Text Due/Portfolio Due–Send via email by Tuesday 17th May.
