Week 1/Jan 20
Introduction to course. Setting up websites, posting bios/sample post.
Intro Prompts
Literacy Narratives
Literacy narrative is telling a story about reading and composing in print
and/or digital media.
Consider the following questions as you think through your literacy journey:
When and how did you learn to read or compose texts on papers and (or) screens?
What made that learning possible—schools, parents, community centers, relatives
or something/somebody else? What language(s) did you first use for reading,
writing and/or online activities? Is English your first language? When and how did
you learn to speak, read and write in English? What about computers and the
Internet? When and where did you first encounter them? What did you begin
with? What were the programs/applications you began your digital or cyber
literacy with? Where did you stand in relation to alphabetic literacy or digital literacy
in high school, for instance, and where are you now? If you speak more than one language, what is your degree of proficiency in each of them? How do they play out in your multiple literacy practices? Is your literate life informed by variables such as age, sex, gender, class, nationality or digital divide? And finally, what are your literacy priorities at this point?
Take next five minutes to jot down your thoughts around these prompts.
Web Design–1. create pages, create posts–connect pages with posts and other pages.2. Embed video/images, embed scribd doc. 3. Order menu, create sub-menu (parent-child), customize header, color, fonts, themes. 4. Add widgets–blogroll, Twitter, recent posts/comments. 5. Post bio.
Blog Post Due before next class:
New London Group. “A Pedagogy of multiliteracies: Designing social futures.”
NCTE. “The NCTE Definition of 21st Century Literacies.”
Yancey, Kathleen Blake. “A Call to Support 21st Century Writing.”
… “Made Not Only in Words: Composition in a New Key.” CCC 56.2 (2004): 297-328.
Week 2/Jan 27
Discussion of Readings—facilitators–
Audio Movie Review Assignment
Screening of Sci-fi movie, Her
Further work with websites
Homework: Write a critical review of the movie. See audio movie review assignment for details. Bring sound tracks, scripts/narratives to class.
Week 3/ Feb 3
Workshop on GarageBand—sound recording, mixing, editing.
Blog Post Due before next class:
Selfe, Cynthia. “The Movement of Air, the Breath of Meaning: Aurality and Multimodal Composing.”
Richert and Salvo.“The Distributed Gesamptkunstwerk: Sound, Worlding, and New Media Culture”
Week 4/Feb 10
Selfe, and Richert and Salvo. Facilitators–
Garageband—peer-review, and final workshop
Blog Post Due before next class:
Gunther Kress. Literacy in the New Media Age.
Cope, Bill, and Mary Kalantzis. “New Media, New Learning.” Multiliteracies in Motion: Current Theory and Practice.
Week 5/Feb 17
Embedding audio movie review on your website
Group formation and collaborative documentary making assignment—Emerging new media and literacy practices
Discussion of Readings— Facilitators–
Blog Post Due before next class:
Hempe, Barry. Making Documentary Films and Videos: A Practical Guide to Planning, Filming, and Editing Documentaries.
Week 6/Feb 24
Discussion Hempe. Facilitators–
Analysis of A Clip from Digital Nation
Intro to I-Movie
IMovie tutorial by Apple.
Write the Script, interview people, collect other resources.
Week 7/March 3
Workshop on I-movie—voice over, transition, editing, recording narrative on GarageBand Homework:
Blog Post Due before next class:
Put together documentary. Upload documentary to YouTube. Embed documentary on your site. Read Postcolonial Studies, and the Psychological Approach from A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature
Week 8/ March 10
Discuss postcolonial and psychological theories.
Literary Analysis Assignment
Blog Post Due before next class:
V.S. Naipaul Half a Life
Week 9/March 17
No Class—Field Visit to our Partner NGO. Meet the NGO Rep (if needed), find more about their projects, find a project that you want to write proposal for, identify some potential funding sources (you might want to email Joyce regarding that–she might have some ideas). Fill up time sheet (download one from Community Engagement page, if you haven’t already). Remember that you need to spend 20 hrs in service learning in order to pass this course.
Week 10/March 24
Field Visit Report
V.S. Naipaul Half a Life.
Homework: Identify topics for your paper. Also identify three other sources related to your topic. Annotate them.
Week 11/March 31
No class—Cesar Chavez Holiday
Complete Literary Analysis assignment.
Week 12/ April 7 April 6-11—Spring Recess
Blog Post Due before next class:
O’Neal-McElrath, Tori. Winning Grants Step by Step: The Complete Workbook for Planning, Developing, and Writing Successful Proposals.
Week 13/April 14
Identify Potential funders,
Read RFPs,
Blog Post Due before next class:
James Pokrywczynski. “Peer Reviewers Describe Success in Grant Writing.”
Katie Krueger. “Severn Deadly Grant-Writing Sins.”
Week 14/April 21
Visit to our Project Site at 2:30PM-4:00PM. Site Address: 18227 Acre St. Northridge, CA 91325.
James Pokrywczynski.
Katie Krueger
Group work–Strategizing grant, outlining
Draft Proposals, and send them for feedback to NGO liasion, Joyce Harmon, and me by Saturday.
Week 15/April 28
Workshop on grants. Upload proposals to your site.
Week 16/May 5
Course Evals/Grants Due/ Digital Portfolio Demo